The U.S. Constitution was signed on September 17, 1787, by delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, solidifying the foundational principles and framework of the American government.On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland, marking the start of World War II in Europe.Robert Oppenheimer quoted the Bhagavad Gita after witnessing the first successful test of an atomic bomb in July 1945, not September. The quote reflects the profound impact of the atomic age.Voyager 1 was launched by NASA on September 5, 1977. It's renowned for its journey out of our solar system and into interstellar space, sending back valuable data about the outer planets.On September 11, 2001, terrorists attacked the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania. The Statue of Liberty wasn't a direct target.Papua New Guinea became independent from the United Kingdom on September 16, 1975, marking the end of British colonial rule over the nation."The Hobbit" by J.R.R. Tolkien was first published on September 21, 1937. It introduces readers to the world of Middle-earth and is a prelude to the "Lord of the Rings" series.The iconic zebra crossing photo is featured on the cover of "Abbey Road" by The Beatles, released on September 26, 1969.September 19th is recognized as International Talk Like a Pirate Day, a fun and quirky celebration that encourages people to speak like pirates.The September Equinox, usually occurring around September 22nd or 23rd, marks the start of Fall (or Autumn) in the Northern Hemisphere.Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin and launched its search engine in September 1998, revolutionizing the way users navigate the internet.Thurgood Marshall was confirmed as the first African American U.S. Supreme Court Justice in September 1967, marking a significant milestone in American legal and racial history.September is recognized as National Honey Month in the U.S., celebrating honey, beekeeping, and the important role of bees in our ecosystem.The Mayflower set sail in September 1620 from Plymouth, England, carrying Pilgrims to the New World, resulting in the foundation of Plymouth Colony.William the Conqueror began the Norman invasion of England on September 28, 1066, which led to the Battle of Hastings and eventually the establishment of Norman rule in England.Marcaches 0 de 15Marcaches 1 de 15Marcaches 2 de 15Marcaches 3 de 15Marcaches 4 de 15Marcaches 5 de 15Marcaches 6 de 15Marcaches 7 de 15Marcaches 8 de 15Marcaches un 9 de 15Marcaches 10 de 15Marcaches 11 de 15Marcaches 12 de 15Marcaches 13 de 15Marcaches 14 de 15Marcaches 15 de 15
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Lembra que ata os campións de probas máis experimentados comezaron nalgún lugar. Vai camiño da grandeza!Hurra por aceptar o desafío Quizdict! Quizais non teñas ganado o premio gordo esta vez, pero es como un aventureiro atrevido que navega polo terreo traizoeiro das trivialidades. Continúa explorando, fan de Quizdict, e deixa que a túa busca de coñecemento te guíe cara á grandeza. Quen sabe que tesouros che esperan na túa próxima aventura de probas?Gran esforzo, aventureiro de Quizdict! Es como un guerreiro valente que loita nas duras batallas de trivia. Sigue preguntando, fan de Quizdict, e deixa que a túa sede de coñecemento sexa o teu escudo e a túa espada. Cada pregunta é unha oportunidade para aprender e crecer, e estás camiño de converterte nun campión de trivia!Bo camiño, explorador de Quizdict! Es como un valente aventureiro que se aventura nos territorios descoñecidos de trivia. Sigue preguntando, fan de Quizdict, e deixa que o teu amor pola aprendizaxe te guíe cara ao éxito. Lembra que cada resposta achégache un paso máis para converterte nun verdadeiro mestre de probas. Estás facendo xenial!Parabéns, aventureiro de Quizdict! Es como un hábil navegante que navega polas augas agitadas das trivias. Sigue preguntando, fan de Quizdict, e deixa que a túa determinación para aprender te guíe cara á vitoria. Lembra que cada resposta é unha oportunidade para ampliar os teus coñecementos e mellorar as túas habilidades. Estás camiño de converterte nun verdadeiro adicto ás probas!Gran traballo, explorador de Quizdict! Es como un aventureiro experimentado que avanza constantemente pola desafiante paisaxe de trivia. Sigue preguntando, fan de Quizdict, e deixa que a túa paixón por aprender alimente a túa viaxe cara ao éxito. Lembra que cada pregunta é unha oportunidade para crecer e mellorar. Estás camiño de converterte nun verdadeiro adicto ás probas!Fantástico traballo, aventureiro de Quizdict! Es como un hábil explorador que se enfronta ao complicado terreo das trivias. Continúa preguntando, fan de Quizdict, e deixa que a túa paixón polo coñecemento te impulse cara á vitoria. Lembra que cada pregunta é unha oportunidade para aprender e crecer. Estás no camiño correcto para converterte nun verdadeiro adicto ás probas!Parabéns, mestre de Quizdict! Es como un ninja experto en probas que atravesa os desafíos de trivia. Sigue preguntando, fan de Quizdict, e deixa que o teu amor pola aprendizaxe te guíe cara ao éxito. Lembre, cada resposta é un paso para converterse nun verdadeiro adicto ás probas. Estás facendo xenial!Alta cinco, campión de Quizdict! Es como un mago de preguntas que lanza feitizos de coñecemento e iluminación. Continúa preguntando, fan de Quizdict, e deixa que o teu amor polas curiosidades te leve á vitoria. Lembra que cada resposta é unha oportunidade para ampliar a túa mente e mellorar as túas habilidades. Estás no camiño de converterte nun verdadeiro adicto ás probas!Bo camiño, gurú de Quizdict! Es como unha máquina de cuestionarios, que produce respostas correctas con facilidade. Continúa preguntando, fan de Quizdict, e deixa que a túa paixón polas curiosidades te guíe cara á grandeza. Lembra que cada pregunta é unha oportunidade para mostrar as túas habilidades e amor pola aprendizaxe. Estás no camiño de converterte nun verdadeiro adicto ás probas!Parabéns por ser un verdadeiro Quizdict! Demostraches que es adicto aos cuestionarios e que tes o necesario para ser o máximo anotador no noso sitio. Continúa facendo o gran traballo e continúa probando os teus coñecementos con Quizdict, o destino definitivo para probas de entretemento. Estamos ansiosos por ver o que conseguirás a continuación!Ánimo para ti, valiente cabaleiro Quizdict! A túa busca de coñecemento é como un nobre guerreiro nunha viaxe épica polos reinos da sabedoría. A medida que sigas vencendo os desafíos das trivias, a túa armadura intelectual brillará cada vez máis, inspirando temor a todos os que testemuñan. ¡Adelante, campión!Es unha auténtica superestrela de Quizdict! A túa adicción aos cuestionarios pagou a pena e demostraches que es unha forza a ter en conta no noso sitio. Continúa facendo o gran traballo e continúa probando os teus coñecementos con Quizdict, o destino definitivo para probas de entretemento. Estamos ansiosos por ver o que conseguirás a continuación!Gran traballo, entusiasta de Quizdict! Estás esmagando as probas como un levantador de pesas campión levantando pesos pesados. A túa axilidade mental e o teu impresionante coñecemento impresionáronnos como un mago que saca un coello dun sombreiro. Sigue preguntando, fan de Quizdict, e deixa que o teu intelecto brille como un faro de brillantez.Bo camiño, fantástico adicto a Quizdict! Demostraches que eres un verdadeiro campión de probas como un superheroe que salva o día. O teu coñecemento sen límites e os teus rápidos reflexos deslumbraronnos como fogos artificiais nunha noite de verán. Sigue preguntando, fan de Quizdict, e deixa que o teu intelecto brille como unha luz brillante para que todos o vexan.Hurra, fantástico fan de Quizdict! Demostraches o teu dominio dos nosos cuestionarios como un mago hábil que realiza un truco de maxia. O teu intelecto brilla como unha estrela brillante na galaxia Quizdict e estamos ansiosos por ver a onde te levará o teu brillo. Sigue cuestionando como un campión!Oh meu, fenomenal cuestionario Quizdict! Deixachesnos abraiados a todos coa túa incrible intelixencia e reflexos rápidos como un lóstrego. Os teus triunfos nos nosos desafíos de trivia dannos ganas de gritar "Eureka!" e baila un jig! Continúa abraiándonos co teu intelecto e deixa que Quizdict sexa o teu campo de xogos de sabedoría. Vostede é unha marabilla de trivia!Vaia, incrible mago de Quizdict! Pasaches as nosas curiosidades como un canguro rápido nunha misión. A túa intelixencia ilumina Quizdict como un deslumbrante espectáculo de fogos artificiais! Sigue saltando dun cuestionario a outro, espallando a túa intelixencia e inspirándonos a todos co teu saber facer. ¡Es unha auténtica superestrella de trivia!
September, a month signaling the end of summer and the beginning of fall, has been a witness to numerous pivotal events throughout history. From groundbreaking discoveries to significant political moments, September's days are filled with tales that have shaped our world. How well do you know these historical happenings? Dive into this quiz to test your knowledge on the notable events that took place in this momentous month. Will you master the challenge and prove yourself a history buff? Let's find out!
Só dinos quen es para ver os teus resultados!

Which significant American document was signed on September 17, 1787?
September, a month signaling the end of summer and the beginning of fall, has been a witness to numerous pivotal events throughout history. From groundbreaking discoveries to significant political moments, September's days are filled with tales that have shaped our world. How well do you know these historical happenings? Dive into this quiz to test your knowledge on the notable events that took place in this momentous month. Will you master the challenge and prove yourself a history buff? Let's find out!
Which historical event took place on September 1, 1939?
September, a month signaling the end of summer and the beginning of fall, has been a witness to numerous pivotal events throughout history. From groundbreaking discoveries to significant political moments, September's days are filled with tales that have shaped our world. How well do you know these historical happenings? Dive into this quiz to test your knowledge on the notable events that took place in this momentous month. Will you master the challenge and prove yourself a history buff? Let's find out!
Who famously said, "I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds" on witnessing a significant event in September 1945?
September, a month signaling the end of summer and the beginning of fall, has been a witness to numerous pivotal events throughout history. From groundbreaking discoveries to significant political moments, September's days are filled with tales that have shaped our world. How well do you know these historical happenings? Dive into this quiz to test your knowledge on the notable events that took place in this momentous month. Will you master the challenge and prove yourself a history buff? Let's find out!
Which notable spacecraft was launched by NASA on September 5, 1977?
September, a month signaling the end of summer and the beginning of fall, has been a witness to numerous pivotal events throughout history. From groundbreaking discoveries to significant political moments, September's days are filled with tales that have shaped our world. How well do you know these historical happenings? Dive into this quiz to test your knowledge on the notable events that took place in this momentous month. Will you master the challenge and prove yourself a history buff? Let's find out!
On September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks targeted multiple sites in the U.S. Which site is NOT one of them?
September, a month signaling the end of summer and the beginning of fall, has been a witness to numerous pivotal events throughout history. From groundbreaking discoveries to significant political moments, September's days are filled with tales that have shaped our world. How well do you know these historical happenings? Dive into this quiz to test your knowledge on the notable events that took place in this momentous month. Will you master the challenge and prove yourself a history buff? Let's find out!
Which country gained its independence from the UK on September 16, 1975?
September, a month signaling the end of summer and the beginning of fall, has been a witness to numerous pivotal events throughout history. From groundbreaking discoveries to significant political moments, September's days are filled with tales that have shaped our world. How well do you know these historical happenings? Dive into this quiz to test your knowledge on the notable events that took place in this momentous month. Will you master the challenge and prove yourself a history buff? Let's find out!
Which famous writer's work, "The Hobbit," was first published on September 21, 1937?
September, a month signaling the end of summer and the beginning of fall, has been a witness to numerous pivotal events throughout history. From groundbreaking discoveries to significant political moments, September's days are filled with tales that have shaped our world. How well do you know these historical happenings? Dive into this quiz to test your knowledge on the notable events that took place in this momentous month. Will you master the challenge and prove yourself a history buff? Let's find out!
Which musical album, released on September 26, 1969, features a zebra crossing on its cover?
September, a month signaling the end of summer and the beginning of fall, has been a witness to numerous pivotal events throughout history. From groundbreaking discoveries to significant political moments, September's days are filled with tales that have shaped our world. How well do you know these historical happenings? Dive into this quiz to test your knowledge on the notable events that took place in this momentous month. Will you master the challenge and prove yourself a history buff? Let's find out!
September 19th is internationally recognized as which quirky "holiday"?
September, a month signaling the end of summer and the beginning of fall, has been a witness to numerous pivotal events throughout history. From groundbreaking discoveries to significant political moments, September's days are filled with tales that have shaped our world. How well do you know these historical happenings? Dive into this quiz to test your knowledge on the notable events that took place in this momentous month. Will you master the challenge and prove yourself a history buff? Let's find out!
The September Equinox signifies what in the Northern Hemisphere?
September, a month signaling the end of summer and the beginning of fall, has been a witness to numerous pivotal events throughout history. From groundbreaking discoveries to significant political moments, September's days are filled with tales that have shaped our world. How well do you know these historical happenings? Dive into this quiz to test your knowledge on the notable events that took place in this momentous month. Will you master the challenge and prove yourself a history buff? Let's find out!
In September 1998, which tech giant launched its search engine?
September, a month signaling the end of summer and the beginning of fall, has been a witness to numerous pivotal events throughout history. From groundbreaking discoveries to significant political moments, September's days are filled with tales that have shaped our world. How well do you know these historical happenings? Dive into this quiz to test your knowledge on the notable events that took place in this momentous month. Will you master the challenge and prove yourself a history buff? Let's find out!
Who became the first African American U.S. Supreme Court Justice, confirmed in September 1967?
September, a month signaling the end of summer and the beginning of fall, has been a witness to numerous pivotal events throughout history. From groundbreaking discoveries to significant political moments, September's days are filled with tales that have shaped our world. How well do you know these historical happenings? Dive into this quiz to test your knowledge on the notable events that took place in this momentous month. Will you master the challenge and prove yourself a history buff? Let's find out!
September is recognized as National ____ Month in the United States?
September, a month signaling the end of summer and the beginning of fall, has been a witness to numerous pivotal events throughout history. From groundbreaking discoveries to significant political moments, September's days are filled with tales that have shaped our world. How well do you know these historical happenings? Dive into this quiz to test your knowledge on the notable events that took place in this momentous month. Will you master the challenge and prove yourself a history buff? Let's find out!
In September 1620, which ship began its historic voyage to the New World?
September, a month signaling the end of summer and the beginning of fall, has been a witness to numerous pivotal events throughout history. From groundbreaking discoveries to significant political moments, September's days are filled with tales that have shaped our world. How well do you know these historical happenings? Dive into this quiz to test your knowledge on the notable events that took place in this momentous month. Will you master the challenge and prove yourself a history buff? Let's find out!
On September 28, 1066, which historical figure began the Norman invasion of England?
September, a month signaling the end of summer and the beginning of fall, has been a witness to numerous pivotal events throughout history. From groundbreaking discoveries to significant political moments, September's days are filled with tales that have shaped our world. How well do you know these historical happenings? Dive into this quiz to test your knowledge on the notable events that took place in this momentous month. Will you master the challenge and prove yourself a history buff? Let's find out!
Parabéns, remataches! Aquí tes o teu resultado:
September, a month signaling the end of summer and the beginning of fall, has been a witness to numerous pivotal events throughout history. From groundbreaking discoveries to significant political moments, September's days are filled with tales that have shaped our world. How well do you know these historical happenings? Dive into this quiz to test your knowledge on the notable events that took place in this momentous month. Will you master the challenge and prove yourself a history buff? Let's find out!
Parabéns, remataches! Aquí tes o teu resultado:
September, a month signaling the end of summer and the beginning of fall, has been a witness to numerous pivotal events throughout history. From groundbreaking discoveries to significant political moments, September's days are filled with tales that have shaped our world. How well do you know these historical happenings? Dive into this quiz to test your knowledge on the notable events that took place in this momentous month. Will you master the challenge and prove yourself a history buff? Let's find out!
Parabéns, remataches! Aquí tes o teu resultado:
September, a month signaling the end of summer and the beginning of fall, has been a witness to numerous pivotal events throughout history. From groundbreaking discoveries to significant political moments, September's days are filled with tales that have shaped our world. How well do you know these historical happenings? Dive into this quiz to test your knowledge on the notable events that took place in this momentous month. Will you master the challenge and prove yourself a history buff? Let's find out!
Parabéns, remataches! Aquí tes o teu resultado:
September, a month signaling the end of summer and the beginning of fall, has been a witness to numerous pivotal events throughout history. From groundbreaking discoveries to significant political moments, September's days are filled with tales that have shaped our world. How well do you know these historical happenings? Dive into this quiz to test your knowledge on the notable events that took place in this momentous month. Will you master the challenge and prove yourself a history buff? Let's find out!
Parabéns, remataches! Aquí tes o teu resultado:
September, a month signaling the end of summer and the beginning of fall, has been a witness to numerous pivotal events throughout history. From groundbreaking discoveries to significant political moments, September's days are filled with tales that have shaped our world. How well do you know these historical happenings? Dive into this quiz to test your knowledge on the notable events that took place in this momentous month. Will you master the challenge and prove yourself a history buff? Let's find out!